What we are reading… in September.

As a team we absolutely love to read. Whether it be a latest release, an undiscovered treasure that has only just come across our radar, or dusting off an old favourite from the bookshelf.

As a team of Business Psychology practitioners, we also know how important it is to keep up-to-date on the latest research, thinking and industry trends. So for a bit of fun, but also in the spirit of ‘caring is sharing’ we thought it might be useful to share what we’re currently reading each month.

Here’s a snapshot of what the Psychology Work’s team have on their reading list for this month…


SMART Objective Setting for Managers: A Roadmap, Irial O’Farrell.

Setting objectives for a team can often feel overwhelming, especially when it seems like a daunting annual ritual. Many managers face anxiety over objective-setting due to insufficient training and a sense that the process is merely a formality rather than a meaningful exercise.

This book offers a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of performance objective-setting. It provides a fresh perspective on the SMART framework, emphasising the dual role of setting goals both for oneself and in collaboration with others. By integrating effective communication techniques into the SMART process, the book helps ensure alignment and relevance in objectives. It also explores designing objectives that foster essential soft skills, such as stakeholder management and communication, and links these goals to theories of human motivation to enhance employee engagement. Drawing from extensive management experience, the book equips managers with the tools needed to prepare for and conduct objective-setting meetings with confidence.


On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything, Nate Silver.

In his latest book, Nate Silver, bestselling author of The Signal and the Noise, delves into the world of professional risk-takers—individuals whose expertise in managing risk allows them to influence and control significant aspects of modern life. These players, including poker champions, hedge fund managers, crypto enthusiasts, and high-stakes art collectors, provide valuable lessons on navigating uncertainty in the 21st century.

Silver explores "The River," a term for this influential group, and examines how their approach to risk and their mindset shape technology and the global economy. By immersing himself in their environments—from casinos and venture capital firms to meetings of the effective altruism movement - Silver offers an in-depth look at their strategies, common traits such as high risk tolerance and scepticism of conventional wisdom, and the complex dynamics they manage. This book provides a behind-the-scenes view of how these powerbrokers operate and how understanding their methods can shed light on broader societal trends.


Neuroscience for Change at Work: Practical Insights to Overcome Workforce Resistance to Organizational Change, Tibisay Vera and Melanie Franklin.

Neuroscience for Change at Work provides a comprehensive guide to managing business change through the lens of neuroscience. The book introduces the PEPE model, which identifies four core principles driving resistance to change across individuals, teams, and organizations. It offers actionable insights on how to apply neuroscience when designing and communicating change initiatives, addressing productivity and employee wellbeing across remote, hybrid, and in-person work environments.

With practical examples, tools, and case studies, the book explores how change impacts mental health and outlines strategies to mitigate these effects. It also addresses how to manage competing priorities from different employee groups during periods of transformation. Co-authored by a neuroscientist with extensive experience in business transformation, this guide equips change managers and those responsible for employee engagement with evidence-based strategies to navigate and implement successful organisational changes.


The encore.

If you’ve made it this far and still want more, then why not check out some of our other book recommendations….


Navigating objections to investing in workplace wellbeing. A guide for HR leaders.